In 2017, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime published a saddening statistic: at least 190 thousand people around the world die prematurely as a result of an overdose. Numbers have increased due to unsafe opioid use.
As a result of a desire to inspire change in the face of these statistics, New Vitae Wellness and Recovery offered additional educational supports to our community by honoring International Overdose Awareness Day on August 31st. Along with posting facts related to overdose and providing extra medication education, everyone was encouraged to wear purple to commemorate the day. Staff and residents also wore ribbons of remembrance to further highlight the impact of overdose. Each of our residential and clinical sites marked a moment of silence at 2 pm to offer solidarity and recall those who had been impacted by overdose. Several participants recalled stories of family or personal challenges as a result of an overdose.
Residents and staff were also encouraged to attend the Fed Up Lehigh Valley Rally that evening. A small group of residents participated in the vigil, with staff onsite to offer supportive encouragement and to share in the event.
Overall, the day marked a solemn occasion but offered additional education and support to residents and staff alike. Everyone shared in the day and agreed to continue to honor the 31st of August as International Overdose Awareness Day in years to come. For information about our addiction treatment programs and other behavioral health services, contact us today.